When I decided to go to my first blogging conference I did a lot of research as to what to expect and how to prepare. One of the most common tips I saw was to take business cards and after Blogher15, I was glad I did.
If you are of the fence about getting business cards here are 5 reasons bloggers should carry a business card.
It shows that you are professional.
Let’s be honest there are a lot out blogs out there. Any Jane or John with a computer and Wi-Fi can start a blog and start sharing their thoughts with the world. If you want to separate yourself from the pack get a business card. It shows that you’re willing to invest in your blog and mean business.
I remember the first day of Blogher15 I sat at a table with this very nice girl. I gave her my card and she had to quickly jot down her blog URL for me, no offense to her but the exchange seemed disorganized and sloppy. Other bloggers would confidently hand me their card and I made a point to check out each blog after my trip.
It makes it easier for readers.
If you go the professional route I strongly suggest adding a QR code on the back of them. A QR is a two-dimensional barcode that allows people to scan it using a QR reader app on their smartphones and takes them directly to a website. Even if you decide to make them yourself, business cards makes it so much easier for potential readers, sponsors or clients to remember you and find your website.
It’s much easier to find a business card in your wallet than it is to try to remember a long blog name.
You never know where you will find new readers.
I’ve handed my cards out everywhere, not just blogging events. When someone asks me what I do, in addition to my Marketing position I tell them I have a lifestyle blog and am a freelance writer. The casual ,”okay, you’re a ‘blogger’ ” expression changes quickly to, “I’ll check it out,” when I pull out my business cards. I’ve even passed out cards to my OB/GYN!
I’ve met people at a bar and then next day gotten comments, text and emails letting me know they ended up finding my card the next day and checked out my blog. You never know who someone knows. As a blogger you are your marketing team, you should also be spreading the word about your blog/business any chance you get.
When you give, you get.
Have you ever been walking somewhere in public and smiled at a stranger? Chances are they smiled back. It’s the same with business cards! I handed a business card to Vice President of She Knows Media and guess what, she gave me her business card back. Not only are you increasing the chances of someone you’re interacting with going to your website but you are subliminally encouraging them to give you their contact information as well.
With so many blogs out there it’s important that you stand out. If someone sees the same logo and colors on your business card they will be more confident they have landed on the right page. Also if they see one of your pins on Pinterest, a post on Instagram or blog tweet they will recognize it is a part of your brand. A strong brand shows a strong business.
Say you have a blog about saving money as a mom. You meet someone and tell them you have a blog called “Mom isn’t going broke,” while you may think it’s a memorable name, chances are that person’s brain space is occupied with a lot (especially at a networking event) and your blog name may slip through the cracks. They remembered you have a mommy saving blog and Google “Mommy saving blog” they will find a lot of other blogs and after visiting a few sites that aren’t yours, they will probably give up and move on.
Business cards are a great way to share information with and can be very inexpensive. We make use of Asset Print to make our business cards.
Do you use business cards for your blog? Did you make them yourself or did you buy them? What do you put on them? Please share below.