Friday, 17 January 2020

7 Reasons To Utilize A Desk Calendar

Having one fixed place to reference all of your past, present and future assignments can really put your tasks into perspective. Every college student needs a system that will keep important dates and assignments organized and visible so that they are always aware of what needs to get done. This leads to more efficient time management and less procrastination. Luckily, desk calendars are formatted in such a way that a whole month of assignments can be set out right before your eyes, and tasks can be neatly crossed off as you get them done. Having such a reference will really help you stay on track — as tasks, social events and club meetings can all be included in this one master calendar. It's also comforting to know you can take on the semester one month at a time. Whether you have your own makeshift desk calendar (I've seen people just print out large monthly templates and tape them to a desk) or buy one from Asset Print, the principles below that summarize the benefits of utilizing a big desk calendar still ring true. 

1. There's no way to hide from your responsibilities.

At least once in our school experiences, we've all pretended that our daily planners didn't exist in order to avoid the assignments written in them. Out of sight, out of mind. However, with a desk calendar you can't just avoid your work. The scale and location of a desk calendar make it hard not to be constantly aware of what you have to do. Whenever your desk is in sight, you know that calendar is there with all of your assignments just sitting out in the open. It's difficult to slack off when you see some major tasks staring you straight in the face.
2. Calendars are super easy to refer to.

In your room and can't be bothered to dig your planner out of your bag to check what assignments are due? Just hop over to your desk. Your calendar is always right there. This is especially useful if you're in a hurry. Colour coding certain clubs or highlighting important assignments makes it easy to see what you have to get done in a jiffy.

3. You can put all of your assignments on it before you even get to class.

Assignments can be put onto a desk calendar as soon as you get your syllabus. You know they'll be due, so don't wait until your teacher reminds you the day before in order to be aware of their presence. You'll be on top of the game before you even show up to your first class. Then, the second you get any new assignments or readings that aren't on the syllabus, put it into the notes app on your phone or in a small planner. Once you walk into your room just transfer the information to the calendar at your desk. This also goes for meetings or plans with friends. It's very easy, and now you've got a comprehensive reference point for all assignments and social events. 

4. A calendar puts things into perspective.

You may think your week will be pretty light on work just because you don't have anything due the next day, but your desk calendar can show you that the other days of the week are actually quite full. A desk calendar helps you start thinking about doing assignments in advance because you can see them all on the same page (unless they're in another month). Seeing everything you have to do for the month ahead of you makes you more likely to start tasks earlier. 

5. There's room for plans with friends.

On something as large as a desk calendar, you can have both important events and assignments written in the same place. This calendar doesn't have to feel like it's solely for school — you can colour code and label it for club days, appointments or social events — as opposed to a planner, which might seem too school-oriented to write less formal events in. With a desk calendar, you won't be neglecting or forgetting about other plans in lieu of schoolwork taking up your whole space. 

6. Desk calendars are actually fun to design.

The way you layout your calendar is completely up to you, as there is lots of room for creativity. Colour coding is a big space saver and — depending on your colour scheme — can enhance the look of your calendar. Get yourself some cute coloured pens and go crazy (I recommend highlighters in pastel colours). Desk calendars also offer lots of room to write, so you could even pencil in your assignments with some nice lettering. If you need any more room, there's usually an additional "notes" section included either under or next to the calendar section that you can write in for more information. Another fun aspect of a desk calendar is that after a day goes by you can cross a big red "X" over it, which is really satisfying if you finally were able to hand in a big, looming assignment. 

7. Everything is in one place.

The best part of a desk calendar? You can't lose it. If you've been keeping up with putting all of your assignments and important meeting dates on your calendar as soon as you get them, you always know where your information is and will never forget an important date.

So whether you use a large desk calendar on its own or along with a daily planner, the benefits are evident. It offers another layer of much-needed organization. However, desk calendars aren't all that popular among college students at the moment. Let's bring them back and get organized for the spring!

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How to Market My Business by Using Online Printing

Online Printing Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Most modern business marketing advice revolves around digital marketing methods such as having a good website, profiles on major social media platforms, search engine optimization and content marketing. While these are important, they cannot wholly replace the value of printed materials in marketing.

Some businesses, for example, may primarily operate locally and have little need for digital marketing efforts. Even if your business is wholly online, there are still benefits to using printed marketing materials. The following is an in-depth guide for how to market your new or existing business in 2020 by using printing like that available at Asset Print.

Business Cards

Most professionals are well-served by having business cards they can hand out to people at events or in passing. This is especially true if you are a freelancer or even run an online business. A business card is a great way to encourage people you meet in real life to check out your website and the products or services you provide online. Business cards also provide contact information so people can contact you later with questions, commissions or other requests.

Direct Mail

For certain types of businesses, direct mail can be an invaluable way to gain the attention of clients. This is especially true for small businesses like doctor’s offices and storefronts that don’t do much business outside of a local community. Direct mailings can remind customers that your business is still there if they haven’t come in a while, promote sales and discounts, advertise that your business has opened and more. It is a good way to reach people who may not spend a lot of time online, such as older demographics if your business caters to them. There are a lot of possibilities with direct mail you can discover by getting some printed and seeing for yourself.

Storefront Signs

If you run a physical store or office, colour banners and signage are practically a necessity. They can serve to advertise your business from the windows to catch the eyes of passerby and convince them to come inside and shop. This is helpful because these signs immediately let customers know what you sell and the type of business you are. They can advertise promotions or sales that may be going on at the moment. Retractable banners and indoor posters can also serve to make the inside of your store or office more vibrant.

Promotional Items

Your printed logo, the name of your business or a clever saying printed on promotional items is another great way printing can promote your business. T-shirts, for example, can be worn by your employees at events and sold to your customers to spread the word about your business. They are also helpful for branding and team-building efforts among your employees.

Other Types Of Signs

Billboards, flyers posted around town and other types of physical signage are very effective at drawing attention to your business and will continue to be popular in 2020. Car signs, including magnets, are also a great idea. They serve as a moving advertisement for your business just while driving around town. They are especially useful if your operation goes to individual homes, such as if you run a cleaning business or a dog training service.

Printed materials are still very relevant in advertising your business…even in 2020. They are used in any number of ways to help get your business off the ground or to experience growth. Choose an online printing company experienced in working with many different types of industries to successfully promote and grow your business.

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